The bunnies got to expand their minds and open their hearts at the ASD convention in Killington this past weekend!They joined the closing ceremonies with Hana and I in our figure eight around the Labyrinth and the Medicine Wheel. They had a terrific time and were on their best behavior all morning through classes. They got to romp and play on the grass in the afternoon and were adored by all!Charles Hubbard, pictured below, wrote a book called Sacred Stewardship. Early, this year, I purchased the first copy that the ASD Bookstore was sent, hot off the press. I then, with the help of my sister Hana, and the following farmers and family members: Anne and Jack Lazor (Butterworks Farm), Dough and Barbie Flack (Flack Family Farm), Trauger and Alice Groh (Temple-Wilton Community Farm), and my Oma and Opa (grandparents: Guenter and Erika Knoernschild), to name a few, conducted a project. I interveiwed and studied a topic that has greatly interested me for a few years: Biodynamic Agriculture. It was a very interesting venture and even after class (Homesteader's Ecology at Green Mountain College) I am still learning so much about the natural cycles of the Earth and how to farm in sync with them.