Friday, August 27, 2010

Driving Llamas!

If you would like to see pictures of Bella and Hana driving, please go to our gardening blog at - I accidentally posted it to the wrong blog! Thank you!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Angora Bunnies for sale - ready July 1st.

Here are some of our latest litters that are for sale! We have a littler that is 3/4 Angora and 1/4 short hair. By breeding short haired rabbits with the Angoras the fiber color may be richer for fiber arts! Its our first littler like this - so we will see how it goes! We currently have 10 full blood Angoras for sale - 4 white does and one white buck, three chocolate does (with interesting white markings), one black doe and one chocolate tort doe. The short haired crosses are all brown agoutis, blacks, a silver, and a black otter. Silver, otter, one black, and one brown agouti are bucks and there are a black and brown agouti doe. Look on and enjoy.

Thanks for visiting our blog and enjoy!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

First Angora Rabbit Litter of the Season!

Here is our first Angora litter born this season! These bunnies are 25% German and 75% French. Their mother has great wool density and their father is a chocolate out of a colorful litter! There are two chocolates in this litter, one fawn, one black, and several REW (red eyed white). We are now taking reservations for these bunnies. Please email Erika with more information @ We will also have more Angora litters in about a month or two to be ready for sale at the Vermont Sheep & Wool Festival in Tunbridge, VT in October.
Thanks for visiting our blog!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Winny's New Home

Here is Sasha, Winny's new pasture mate, getting a haircut upon arrival. A before picture would make you really appreciate how pretty this little llama is! She has a nice long hair that grows up to 8 inches all along her legs and neck.
Here is Winny, not so sure about getting used to Sasha. Sasha is such an easygoing llama that Winny does not intimidate her!

Winny is going to have to get used to Sasha - she's not as overpowering as her sister, Bella! :)
The two girls relaxed to the field after a haircut. They were quite content with their fresh spring grass!

Good luck to Winny and Sasha with their new owners!

We will be having Angora rabbit litters for sale in the autumn and short haired rabbits for sale all season long. We may also have some short haired cross-breeds with Angoras to get a deeper color for sale as well! Just email for more information!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Angora Rabbits 2010

Hello happy fiber fanatics! White Mountain Llamas is planning on having one or two litters of Angora rabbits this year to be ready by October for new homes. Erika and Hana are planning to attend the Vermont Sheep and Wool Festival to sell them. You may also contact us directly for more information at

The litters will most likely have fawn/tort, chocolate, white, and black coloration. They will be ranging in breed from 100% French to a mixture with French and German in a hybrid. The hybrid rabbits will usually closely resemble either the French or the German physiological standard.

Thanks everyone and happy fiber arts!