Monday, April 11, 2011

Animal Science Day at the Cooperative Extension!

Hana and I took the llamas to the Grafton County Complex this past Saturday for the Animal Science day that took place there for students under 18. There was a horse, a pair of steer, some of our Angora's offspring (very exciting!), a lamb, and us! We brought May and Bell with packs and brushes to teach about grooming and packing.

Here's the llamas by the County Farm.
They got lots of attention and lots of grooming done!

Here is Hana with one of Snowflake's silver bunnies!

Thanks for visiting our blog!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Shearing Day!

Wow, it was pretty warm out today so we all went outside to harvest rabbit fiber. Here's Merlin hanging out with Bella at the picnic table.

Here's Hana harvesting fiber at the picnic table. Merlin, Arethusa, Bella, and May are keeping her company. And its time for me to get to work!

Me and May
Merlin got sick of hanging out with Bella so he hopped of and ran around the picnic table while we were brushing rabbits. He jumped on Bella, on the table, and bugged us when we had does in our laps. What a character!
Thanks for visiting our blog!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

May's Day

Today, May had a small lump of fatty tissue removed from her foot. She cut her foot pad open and the fatty part of her foot cushion came out and was obviously hurting her because she was not putting weight on it. The vet came and anesthetized her for the procedure. Here is May just as she came out of it. Hana poses with the bit of her flesh in a jar.
Pain killers haven't worn off yet, she puts her weight on it will she feel tomorrow?
Bella saw May down and immediately came over to watch from behind the gate. After a while she laid down right next to May's head and did not budge until May woke up, walked over to Bella, and gave her a kiss. What a good buddy!
"Awe, May! You would have done the same for me!!"
It was luckily very warm out today so everyone was comfortable - Hana and I, the vet, and May!
Bella's just hanging out, making sure that May is okay.
"Hey, are talking about me?"
Arethusa did her thing in the background, watching from the picnic table.

May is awake and alert!! I wasn't sure about her weight, so I told the vet 375. He gave her enough to keep a 375 pound llama out for 20 minutes - and she didn't stand up for an hour after going down. Woops. My bad.
May is perfectly happy now...I hope she isn't in too much pain when the painkillers where off...
Lean in for the kiss!! "Oh, I love you too, Bella."
What do you keep on our back porch? We have llamas on ours! Dig in, Bella (oink oink!). I think she found some old cabbage head in a box....spring cleaning should be fun.
Here's Arethusa. Sometimes I think that Arethusa is the most beautiful llama I know (but don't tell May I said that).
Thanks for tuning in! We'll keep you updated with the recovery!