Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Our newest addition!

Here is our new llama! Arethusa is Bella and Winny's grandmother. She is 13 and is a good mother and is in great physical shape. She is a dominant llama so it is interesting to see her enter the hierarchy with our girls. Bella and her are learning a lot about each other. Winny's knowledge of other llamas has expanded by 50% since her arrival and is fascinated in Arethusa. It is good for Winny to meet other llamas to learn about proper herd etiquette. She is very touchy with May and Bella - and not all llamas tolerate that! Its cute to see Winny follow Arethusa around. When Arethusa turns around Winny turns tail and runs to May to nurse.After only a few hours, Arethusa took over the shelter and the hay pile! We will expand the shelter soon for the four of them :DWelcome Arethusa back to White Mountain Llamas. Look for updates in October about how she does at the Fryeburg Fair!

The Arethusa Connection:
When Hana and I were 4 and 10, our mother home schooled us, enabling us to go to work with her. In the spring, she cared for the gardens at the Bungay Jar Bed and Breakfast in Easton, New Hampshire. The owner at the time, Kate, told us to run around the side of the inn and meet the new guests. Hana and I did not know what to expect. We came to a tall fence, face to face with two llamas: Arethusa (at the time, Tosha) and her half sister, Tangiers. They were the first llamas Hana and I had met. Later that year they had crias, Fabyan (then Black Powder) and Salvador Dolly Llama. Arethusa stayed at the Bungay Jar until welcomed to the White Mountain Llama herd in Jefferson, New Hampshire, about two years later. When the original owner of WML passed away Arethusa went to live in Charlotte, Vermont on the Smith Family Farm. Our Two Sisters Gardening and Landscaping business has allowed us to expand our food and fiber production. Arethusa was generously given to us at a time when we can afford to care for her and welcome her back to the herd! Arethusa and May and Bell were all in the original WML, herd five years ago.

Lots of thanks to the Smiths, Deb, and Joanna for helping us with our growing business! Thanks for visiting our blog!