Here is our most recent litter of Angora rabbits. There are seven for sale from the litter by Dust Bunny X Ethan. They were born on June 20th of this year. They are hybrids: 51% French, 39% German, 9.5% Satin, and 0.5% English. This mix gives a high yielding rabbit with a dense coat that generally will shed their coat and can be brushed to retrieve the fiber. This is our favorite mix concerning fiber and animal care. These rabbits are $85 each. We will bring them to the Vermont Sheep and Wool Festival on October 3rd and 4th at the Tunbridge Fair Grounds.
There are two female black steels and two male black steels (color seen below). Their fiber color will be deep gray and will bring a deep colored dye like navy blue or burgundy (as apposed to blue and red).
There are 3 black tortoise coloration for sale. There are two males and one female. There is one dark male (shown below) and the other two are very light, almost fawn.
We also have two 3-year old non-breeding females for sale that are about 93% German. They can generally be brushed but need to be shorn at least once a year. They have friendly dispositions, have been to schools and fairs. We are selling them for $50 each or both for $80.Thanks for visiting our blog!